Saturday, July 10, 2010

1.1.11 Origin and current state

Origin Of The Atom Theory:
The theory of atoms, and the name atom originated from a Greek Philosopher named Democritus who lived around 400 BC. He proposed that all life and matter is made up of tiny particles which he called atoms. The word atom comes from the Greek word atomos meaning invisible.

Atoms form about 4% of the total energy density of the observable universe, with an average density of about 0.25 atoms/m3. Within a galaxy such as the Milky Way, atoms have a much higher concentration, with the density of matter in the interstellar medium (ISM) ranging from 105 to 109 atoms/m3. The Sun is believed to be inside the Local Bubble, a region of highly ionized gas, so the density in the solar neighborhood is only about 103 atoms/m3. Stars form from dense clouds in the ISM, and the evolutionary processes of stars result in the steady enrichment of the ISM with elements more massive than hydrogen and helium. Up to 95% of the Milky Way's atoms are concentrated inside stars and the total mass of atoms forms about 10% of the mass of the galaxy. (The remainder of the mass is an unknown dark matter.)

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